Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women - Results of NWCI campaign
Published: Sunday, July 21, 2013
NWCI established an e-action campaign to encourage the Irish government to the Council of Europe Convention on Violence Against Women during Ireland's Presidency of the EU for the month of June. Over 2,300 emails were sent by over 360 people to their local representatives and Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence. This was a fantastic response so thank you to all who participated!
NWCI held a joint roundtable with Amnesty International on the 11th of July with a representative speaker from the Council of Europe on the Convention to see how Ireland can overcome the blockages to signing the Convention. Government and NGO representatives contributed to a very constructive discussion and NWCI plans to continue its dialogue with government on this issue through our membership on the National Steering Committee on Violence Against Women and future actions in the autumn.
More information - Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women